Upon arrival we are greeted with excitement and hugs. They are already begining to recognize us. Sweet Gabriella comes over to me everyday as soon I arrive. She loves to get a hug with her head on your shoulder. Next we help with breakfast. Then if the weather is nice we head outside. Luckily, Romania has been having unseasonably warm temperatures and we have been able to go outside everyday. Today has been the best weather so far - high 60's. The clinic has several acres of property so there is lots of room to explore - sticks, rocks and hum-hums (dogs) are some of the favorites. Then it's back inside for some more play time in the mobiles playroom. We help with the lunch feeding and while the children take a nap, we head back to the hotel for our lunch and a short break. The food has been excellent - the soups are particularly good. In the afternoon we head back to the clinic to help the preschool teacher, assist in the dinner feeding and then right before the toddlers are set free in the halls to run off some of their energy before bed. It is controled chaos (hopefully) and they love it.
This chubby-cheeked girl is Anna-Maria. She is around 9 months old and is kept in isolation in her room because she has heart issues and a weak immune system. She is extremely alert and loves to be held. I weighed her yesterday and she is about 10 lbs. We are allowed to take her into the hallway, so I try and grab her duing chaos time so she can check out all the action. I have also discovered that when I hold her above my head and swing her gentle sideways (like a bell) she gets a huge smile complete with a crinkled up nose. I try to do it as often as possible
More on the some of the other children tomorrow. The clinic currently hast 18 total. With about 6-7 staff members on the day shift, 4-5 in the evening and 3 at night.
Good stuff Sabrina. Those kids couldn't have asked for a better international playmate.